First Year of Getting Married--During the first year of our marriage was a full of adjustments--after years of getting used to live in a busy and noisy city in Fukushima, we started to live together with my PIL,BIL, 2 SIL(not yet married at that time ) and Yochan' s Great GrandMother at an quiet, isolated place ( with no neighbors near them )in which I'm calling
The Bukid Of Tralala. It is unusual here in Japan to live all together in one roof but due to Yochan' s work, we asked to live with them for a year. A year of learning Japanese culture( until now ), the language, the pakikisama and all that. Me and my 2 SIL share responsibilities inside the house, teaching me to cook whenever they have time-- it wasn't easy to cook for big family coz it's like you're cooking for fiesta. A main dish, salads, soups and appetizer --unlike in my country that if you have the rice and main dish,it' s fine.Imagine all the dirty dishes after! It was hard at first but it is an everyday life and doing them just the same when I'm still in the Philippines, the difference is only the numbers of dishes--and it's normal. Although I don' t have problem with dealing with my BIL and SIL (we're almost of same ages but still they're respecting me as their elder bros wife ), I could feel somewhere that I'm not still accepted as a family by Yochan's Great Grand Mother during that time. When they're all gone to their work, it is only me and Obachan (85 years old Great Granny) that is left at home. I was trying my best to approach her, talk to her ( with my bulol nipponggo ) but she would make " dabog " and won' t eat what I serve during lunch time.Despite of the feeling of being unwanted in the family, I was hoping that she would accept me even not that soon but eventually. Until one day, my prayers was heard-- she invited me to have a coffee break at the living room and we started to talk for the first time before we moved out from them . I'm really glad for my answered prayers although it took me for awhile!! She's one kawaii obachan ever!!
First Misunderstanding--I'm a jealous type of woman before and I'm really irritated whenever we attend some Motorshows and same kind of events with lots of girls, companions, race queens, etc and taking pictures of them. I sometimes would not talk and just ignore him and he's like " Why are you mad? I thought you love Motorshows?" Don't get me wrong--I love motorshows alright but I can't really express it well (that I'm soo much jealoused taking time peek-turing those ladies lol) because of my poor nipponggo and he told me that he' ll listen even if it will took hours to explain how I feel--gusto nya ilabas ko raw lahat ng nararamdaman ko and so I told him the reason why and laughed at me. Well, he told me the main is the machine and not the girls ( who knows lol!). We have a couple of disagreements and sometimes fight over little things ( because of me being childish)but we just move along and make up. We' re like this
BEFORE: Yochan wanted me to speak up everything I have in mind. NOW: HE WANTED ME TO SHUT UP LOL!Our marriage ain't perfect, but it's a work in progress.^_^
For more talks at Couple' s Corner, head up to Mommy Liza' s fun meme