Every day should be EARTH DAY and this day has never been about a day, it' s always been about individual doing something to save our mother earth.
---Mommy Jac
Here's the rules:
~Click the badge and get the code then put the logo on your blog sidebar and post.
~Tell us what is your contribution to our planet? You live here for surely you've got something to share!! Post any pictures or share some of your ideas on how to help and save out planet Earth.
~Post this rules.
~Share this meme-tag to as many Blogger as you can think.
---eco- bag---
My contribution isn't much but I believe that home is the best place to start saving Mother Earth so here's my contribution:
1: Bringing eco- bags when going shopping into supermarkets.
2: Turning off or unplugging electric appliances that are not being used.
3: Water conservation.
4: Re-cycle things that can be used.
5: Reducing waste.
I love all kinds of bags. It is cute.
Any contribution or help is worth a million.
those are cute eco bags. I really love the colours.
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