Tofu Steak
Are you expecting some beef steak to this blog? Duh! I'm only posting some easy and light to the budget menus here^_^ Sometimes, it' s hard when it comes on budgeting--and tofu is my kind of cook.My family loves tofu and aside from that, it is also healthy.Here' s the recipe--
Ingredients: ( good for 4 persons )
Tofu ( bean curd )- 2 cakes
Garlic - 2 cloves, small
Bacon - 4 pcs
Boiled asparagus - 3 pcs ( thawed, if frozen )
Salt and ground black pepper - small amount
Olive oil, flour
Sake - 2 tablespoon ( if you don' t have sake, use white wine )
Soysauce - 2 tablespoon
1: Drain tofu, wrapped in dish towel ( paper towel ), press something heavy to squeeze out excess water for 15 - 20 minutes
2: Cut tofu into 4 equal pieces in every cake, sprinkle salt and ground black pepper
3: Dust tofu with flour
4: Slice garlic, bacon and boiled asparagus into pieces
5: Heat olive oil in a skillet, put on dusted tofu and stir fry for 3 minutes over medium heat, turn over. Set aside when done
6: Clean skillet with paper towel, put olive oil and garlic, start heat at low, then add bacon, stir fry for a while, then add boiled asparagus, stir fry for 2 minutes
7: Add sake, soysauce, simmer for 2 minutes
8: Arrange cooked tofu into the platter then put over sauce on top. Sprinkle some ground black pepper ( for those who have kids--small amount only, please )
See, it' s easy and healthy, too!! Enjoy your meal! ^_^
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