---8 TV Shows I like to watch---
1. Otameshika ( variety )
2. Gurunai ( Guru- Guru Ninety- Nine )
3. Keroro Gunso (anime)
4. Sekai Marumie (variety)
5. Warai Red Carpet (comedy)
6. Detective Conan (anime)
7. Himitsu no Kenmin Show (variety)
8. SMAPxSMAP (variety)
---8 Favorite Place to Dine-out---
1. McDonald
2. Za-Za Yakiniku
3. KFC
4. Saizeriya
5. Bikkuri Donkey
6. SHOYA Ramen house
7. MOS Burger
8. Bamiyan
---8 Things I look forward to---
1. Vacation in the Philippines
2. Wakaba's graduation in kindergarten
3. Our 8th wedding anniversary
4. Haruka turning 4
5. Wakaba turning 7
6. Weekend get-away
7. Watch Japanese drama
8. Another baby
---8 Things that happen yesterday---
1. Woke up early
2. Made obento for Wakaba, Haruka and Yochan
3. Ate a left over curry rice at lunch
4. Checked e-mails
5. Bought something for a present
6. Listened to my favourite songs
7. Cooked dinner/supper
8. Watched tv
---8 Things I love About Winter---
1. I love to watch the snow flakes
2. I can cover my bilbil with all those winter clothes lol!
3. My girls can play outside
4. Me, beside the heater
5. Taking lots of photos
6. Winter S-A-L-E!
7. Being cuddled because I'm freezin' cold!
8. Hot cocoa
---8 Things I’m Passionate About---
1. My family
2. Spending time only with my husband
3. Spending time with them
4. Cooking and doing chores at home
5. Blogging
6. My friends
7. My family’s health
8. Learning
---8 Word/Phrases I often Used---
1. Hello there!
2. Genki?
3. Daisuki!
4. Yatta ne!
5. Kawaii ne!
6. Onaka ga suita!!
7. Nande Nippon wa konnani samui no?!Bbrrrr!!!
8. Love yah!
---8 Things I learned from the past---
1. I'm the happiest person in the world
2: Don't take anything for granted
3. I' m blessed with good friends
4. Smile!
5. Everything has a purpose
6. Live every moment, laugh everyday and love beyond words
7. See the good side of everything.
8. Keep the faith
---8 Blog Friends I want to tag---

Happy Blogging!!^_^
(note: this is a scheduled post, we're still in vacation)
lol akala ko nandito kana.. miss you...
Ang cute! All the programs you listed were Japanese. Hahaa! Goodluck with the third baby, I think that will be great. A big family is going to be fun. When do you and hubby plan to have your third child? ☮.♥.☆
oh, i guess i am late for this tag but anyway, just want to inform you that i have tag you.
My contest is up also, hope you can join too, thanks for sponsoring again.
Hello Clang, kelan ang uwi nyo sa Japan? Am sure you are having ablast there.
thanks for accepting the award, Clang; you also deserved it and welcome back nga pal.
thank you sis will post the tag tomorrow.Btw,kimatta na pala sis yung section ni rio pag pasok nya sa grade 1 sec2 sya =) nabili ko narin today yung ibang kailangan nya sa school.Na kaka excite =) ingat and Godspeed hugs!!!
You're Welcome Mare & thank you for posting this even though you were on vacation & still you find time to post it here:D.God Bless!
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