Ebi Tendon is serve with a bed of rice topped with tempura and has mildly sweet sauce ( called the tare ) poured over the jumbo prawn and rice.
This Queen of Blogs was given by Ate Ces of Down Home with the Kenyons, a special dear friend
of mine. I love visiting her blogs and I love her for being friendly. Thank you so much!^_^
I was also tagged by Ate Rose of Obstacles and Glories, I admire her for having a lot of posts in a day! How could you do that?? Thanks for being friendly, Ate Rose.^_^
According to the rule, to make your award valid is as easy as counting 1-2-3, you may:
1. Share this to anyone who inspires you and made you a better blogger or a better person in anyway or anyone who made you smile or anyone who deserves to be called “Certified QUEEN of BLOGS”.
2. Don’t forget to leave a message or comment with your name or nick and the URL of your web site or email me at aprettyfirefly@yahoo.com and include the name and website of the “Queen or queens” that you’ve chosen, so I may feature her on my web site real soon. I will include her on my blogroll as well. What are you waiting for? Pass it on.
3. Don’t forget to copy and paste the code of the badge of the badge that you like and show off your award on your web site. Please don’t modify the codes. For now you have 3 options to choose from, the original badge, the silver badge and the purple one in here.Thanks! Hail to the Queen of Blogs!!
This Friendship badge was given by Dhemcy of My Life' s Perception and Inspiration , also a dear friend of mine, a veteran in the world of blogging. Your friendship means a lot to me! Thanks a lot!! ^_^
As what Anais Nin said; "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
The Best Blogger Award was given by Grace of My World & My Family, she' s the reason why my inbox is always full ^_^ nope, I' m not complaining-- it only means that I am always remembered. Thanks a lot dearie! ^_^ A new found friend from Japan , Mommy Jac of Mom' s Special Diary also awarded me this. Thank you very much! ^_^ And another friend Chuchie of Chuchie' s Hideaway also gave this award to me. You should check out her scrappies-- very talented woman! Thank you, Chie!!^_^ And Beng of Entertainment Spree passed to me this award, too! Check out her showbiz post and family bondings! Thanks to you, Beng!^_^
1. Take your award here
2. Put the logo on your post
3. Link the person who awarded you
4. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
5. Add links to those blogs on yours
6. Leave a messages for your nominees on their blog
Now it' s my turn to pass this award to my fellow friends here at blogosphere:
Niko, Dee, Anney, Edna, Bambie, Ate Kim, Ate Weng, Laine, Elizabeth, Maria, Mang Payatot, Rosell, Mommy Liza, She Eden, Amazing Grace ,Mommy Chris , Maus, Chandelier, Kittykat, Mommy Ummaand SUE.
Happy Blogging to everybody!! ^_^
Even when their Daddy is crazy over his work, he sees to it to have time during the weekend going out with the kids-- whether doing outdoor activities, trying new adventures, going to parks, or just staying at home, bonding.
That' s the reason why Wakaba and Haruka loves their Daddy very much!! ^_^
Please share your Mommy Moments and stories-- join us here. We' d love to hear from you! ^_^
eco- bag
Here' s my contribution:
1: Bringing eco- bags when going shopping into supermarkets.
2: Turning off or unplugging electric appliances that are not being used.
3: Water conservation.
4: Re-cycle things that can be used.
5: Reducing waste.
My contribution isn' t much but I believe that home is the best place to start saving Mother Earth.^_^
I' m tagging everybody on my list!! Happy Blogging!!^_^
Before proceeding for today' s Friday Video Goodies, I would like to thank Mommy Chris of The Mommy Journey for featuring me at her site which allows to feature and give thanks to her sites commenters every Friday. Isn' t that sweet?! Thanks, Mommy Chris!! You can also visit her site and join her Mommy Moments and be a participant! Although I' m not member yet but I love reading her entry and posts. Thanks for being friendly, Mommy Chris!!^_^
This was taken during our fun at the karaoke last summer with my kids friend, Mirai.
Have a great weekend, everybody!! \(^0^)/
We went to the park near our place together with my kids and their friends down here in our apartment since school days now is only in the morning. Regular class will start next week, Monday and was thinking 'bout that and grabbed the opportunity to treat the kids out for fun. Asked for the kids parents for permission and was ok then we took a taxi to the park and the kids played, have some rides at the park, eat some snacks and ice then they won' t stop--rides?merry-go-round, again? I' m glad that the fees in every rides are cheap or else.... lol! They' re kids but I' m glad they behaved properly like staying their line while waiting for their turn for the rides, walking hand in hand and sharing each others food. Oh kids!! How I love 'em!! \(^0^)/ The kids at the kiddie train
Mirai and Yukiko
At the boat ride
My kids
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
It's made specially for all the blogs spreading kawaii-ness!!
Kawaii-ness is all about loving all things kawaii, being kawaii ourself and definitely being able to add kawaii-ness in everything, its all in our creativity!!
- Good.Girl
The simple rules that go with it are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her kawaii blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate all the blogs that you think deserve this award (*kawaii of course!*).
4. Put the links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!
I'm tagging my wonderful friends here at blogosphere:
Niko, Dee, Ate Cecile, Dhemz, Grace, Ate Rose, Richard, Sassy Reporter, Beng, Anney, Edna, Bambie, Ate Kim, Ate Weng, Laine, Elizabeth, Maria, Anabelle, Candice,Mang Payatot, Rosell, Liza, She Eden, Chuchie,Stacey,Amazing Grace ,Chris ,Maus,Chandelier,Kittykat,Umma,ReanaClaire.
International Bloggers Community
Given by Niko of Niko's Blog,Grace of My World Is My Family, and KittyKat of Amazingly Me. Thanks for adding smile to my face!! Visit their blogs!!
Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community!
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four question following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNer (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Niko
2. His/her site's title and url: Niko' s Blog - http://nikoganda.blogspot.com/ and Amazingly Me - http://kittykat1981.com/
3. Date when you were tagged: April 14, 2009
4. Persons you tagged
The Blogger Award
Given by Chuchie of Chuchie' s HideAway and Beng of Beng' s Entertainment Spree, Meryl of Places,People,Events,Good Food and My Life. This trophy is awesome!! Thanks Ladies!! Visit their blogs!
Blogger Friendship Award
Given by Meryl of Places,People,Events,Good Food and My Life and Laine of Laine's Abode. Thank you for the friendship,Meryl and Laine !! I' m glad to meet you here at blogosphere!
The rules are so easy:
1. Place the logo / banner on your blog.
2. Add a link to the blog who gave the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to the blogs that you have nominated.
5. Let them know by leaving a message (shout) on their blogs
I am tagging everybody!! HAPPY BLOGGING!!