Parents ( mostly Moms ) had a couple of PTA meetings at school of Haruka in kindergarten about dealing with radiation mess of the nuclear plant in Fukushima. Parents were concerned of the kids condition bout the safety limit of exposure ( the school authority limits 30 minutes of letting the kids play outdoor ) and most request from the parents were to remove topsoil from the playground of the school because the soil was exposed to radiation leaks...
Last Sunday, March 22, 2011, the school granted the request with the cooperation of the teachers, staff and parents by digging up the topsoil from the playground ( although the tests showed that the radiation level were low ) so that kids at school can resume playing outdoor activities. The digging started at 8:30 in the morning and wasn't expecting many volunteers to come but was surprised that most of the parents were present.
Sunday, 8:30 A.M. radiation measurement at the schools playground: Before⇒0.55μSv/h
radiation measurement at the schools playground: After ⇒0.13μSv/h

Parents, cleaning up school playground

Digging up soil and was replaced by a clean soil
The sand box at school was covered by a blue sheet~ it wasn't used since the class resumed
Working together
The School Director thanking everyone for the cooperation and for a job well done. 
The amount of radiation dose on the surface has dropped and we are hoping that the troubled nuclear plant would remain stable soon.
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